недеља, 30. октобар 2016.

CamTool v1.3 TechPreview

Preview of WiP cameraTool 1.3 update for PES2017 v1.02
Note that this is a TECH preview and tool wont look 100% like this

In past days there has been a question where is tool and when will it be updated
Note that i am working on it but with less time on coding

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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понедељак, 24. октобар 2016.

среда, 19. октобар 2016.

CameraTool Update soon

An update for CameraTool is in progress

it will include editing LiveBroadcast camera

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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понедељак, 17. октобар 2016.


I am glad that tools released by today had good feeds

Its time to reveal project that is in progress for quite some time

My next tool for PES17 is PES ED17OR

PESED17OR is flexible PC data editor including but not limited to editing EDIT file

Tool includes
-Player editor
-Team editor
-League editor
and other stuff that will be shown as time to release comes

Stay tuned for info

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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недеља, 16. октобар 2016.

PES17 CameraTool v1.2 - DOWNLOAD

Newest version of camtool is ready

**added changing camera on the fly with keyboard or/and gamepad

Please READ ReadMe file

To use gamepad/keyboard you must setup camcfg.ini

Download/Extract/Configure and PLAY


Again If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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Coming next

Update for CamTool coming right up
Feature included camera profile switch on the fly (while playing)

Also next project will be announced (in work for a while)

субота, 15. октобар 2016.

Patcher status

Gameplay patching tool PES17 PATCHER will hit web in few days

This time it will feature update to gameflow

After that there will be brake of few weeks to focus to complete another tool that 70% done

Stay tuned for info boys and girls

петак, 14. октобар 2016.

PES17 CameraTool v1.1 - Download

PES17 CameraTool v1.1 is ready

Tool now includes preset configuration named camcfg.ini
Open that file in notepad and add your config


Cameras=4 <<<<< SET this value for number of cameras
if you wish to add one just put 5 in Cameras and add [CAM5] below
Default=3 <<<<< SET this value for camera you wish to use as DEFAULT [ in this case its CAM3 from user bromi ] if you wish to set that new added just write 5

[CAM1] <<< camera number
Profile Name=nesa24 <<< camera profile name displayed in tool
[nesa24] <<< profile settings

Profile Name=casperld

Profile Name=bromi

Profile Name=Tunizizou


If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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Post your settings for CamTool

This weekend CamTool will be updated with configh so you could make a pre-set-cfg (set values and play)

Post your favs here

среда, 12. октобар 2016.

уторак, 11. октобар 2016.

PES17 Sides Unlocker - Download

Tool to unlock side selection in CUP-LEAGUE modes

Download and extract to folder where PES2017 is [ ONLY FULL GAME ]
Run it and Patch

To Restore it Run tool again and Click RESTORE





If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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Unlock Sides coming up

After small test if all goes well SideUnlocker is coming

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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Thank you

Would like to thank you all for great 1st day of CamTool

Stay tuned for upcomming updates and projects

Yours nesa24

понедељак, 10. октобар 2016.

PES2017 CameraTool - DOWNLOAD

PES2017 Camera TOOL

Tool for EDITING PES17 Camera

How to use it
1. Download and unpack [ to any folder ]
2. Start tool and PES17 [ FULL STEAM GAME ]
3. Set ingame camera to Wide or Custom and play with settings in tool
4. You can use valuse like 1.05 or -1.05 but tool will crash if you leave only - [-2 and such on Height makes camera go below field ]



If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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CamTool coming up

i will continue work on CamTool tonight
if all goes well [99% but i am not pushing my luck ] i will release it tommorow

as of DEMO support someone has to find static address and offsets/pointers for DEMO version

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers

недеља, 9. октобар 2016.

CameraTool preview...

Preview of WiP cameraTool

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers

getting closer on camera

evo-web member post

[QUOTE="Kevorki, post: 3176390, member: 274686"]I've played around with this, found a pointer for these camera values, so one doesn't have to search for them every time - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/64199102/PES2017.CT.
  • cam1 values are the ones actually used for rendering
  • they are overwritten every time the camera resets (ball goes out of the field, fouls, menus, ...) with values from cam2
  • after exiting a menu, values in cam2 are overwritten by a function that converts those sliders in camera settings (so 0-10) to the actual floating point representation
  • it also contains the 4 values nesa24 changes with his gameplay patch (didn't really looked into what they affect, one of them has definitely something to do with fouls though)
If you change the values in cam1 and freeze them, you can change the custom camera settings to whatever craziness you like and actually play with it - http://i.imgur.com/0IxBs5v.png.[/QUOTE]

video how to use table

петак, 7. октобар 2016.

PES17 Camera Research update2 - Listeners

This post update on last one about camera research

So we know where and how to find camera value but what Manages it
as i wrote before Listeners keep game organized

0:03 >> So we take a value for Height and look in Memory what accesses it
0:05 >> we see that instruction loads float as dword [4bytes] from pointer in ecx+48 register
remember they are 4 bytes away zoom = ecx+44 height= ecx+48 angle=ecx+4C
0:14 >> we click on show dissasembler for that instruction
0:40 >> scroll up to see what was operations before
0:46 >> we see COMPARE EAX with 01 and EAX with 05 [ take a look at previos video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zgQSE_0Y41c at 2:20 01 and 05]
1:03 >> brake point on call BEFORE 01 compare and step into it
1:17 >> MOVE value from location of ECX to ECX
1:30 >> we go to address of ECX
1:50 >> in that address is stored adress where value for zoom/height/angle is stored
i scrolled up to point out that there realy are Listeners that Manage how game works
2:30 >> removed brakepoint so you guys could see changes of address that holds value


If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers
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четвртак, 6. октобар 2016.

PES17 CameraResearch update

This continues first part of finding camera values


Video text
at 0:05 - i am clicking on first value that has cam HEIGHT as FLOAT and browsing that memory region
at 0:10 - going to dissect that area of date in memory and define it
at 0:25 - adding -4 bytes to include the zoom value
at 0:30 - i am changing value type [ shown value ] to FLOAT since most games use FLOATS for camera position
at 0:45 - you see on right side that zoom is changing from 1 to 0 as the value ingame inc  and on left side you have bytes that are changed in that section
at 0:55 - i am naming values since i know what they are
at 1:10 - i am showing you changes for angle since its our focus here
at 1:35 - scroll 1 row up so you could see the zoom changes
at 1:58 - setting camera angle to 10 so you could see changes when switching camera
at 2:20 - setting cameraID value that also changes
from that point on you see changes and issues with locking and workarounds

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers

уторак, 4. октобар 2016.

PES17 CameraResearch

So to start with camera i have to quote my post from evoweb

[QUOTE="nesa24, post: 3097159, member: 249764"]Re: [PES 2016] Researching game issues - IN PROGRESS - BLACKBARS.FIX #30

thanks for sticky

as of questions about the time/subs/camera there is something i would like to share

the GAME has splitup instructions for parts of game and they are called Listeners lets call them a "managers"
Camera Listener is for managing camera [ and there are the subListeners ]
Match Mode Listener track activity about the match [weather/replay/stadium setup...]
Match Camera Listener/Match Collision Listener/Post Collision Listener/Match Object Listener.....

once "managers" are editable it will be a dream modding
this are just some of them i could think of and you could check that its a true by looking in the debugger and setting up the BP on access to commands/"managers" 

i will give more on that when the time is right[/QUOTE]

Game has managers called Listeners that track and organize how it works

Lets se camera
Lets start up game and cheat engine attached to pes2017.exe
Go to training and set AI to 3 players so we wont have much changes in memory
Go to camera and set it to custom 020
Switch to CEngine and search for float 0.200000003 as rounded
Go to camera and set it to custom 030
Switch to CEngine and do next scan for 0.300000019 as rounded
You will endup at 2-3 results

Doing search for what writes to addresses will take you to CameraListener
The camera listener write info for camera with size of a dword
Zoom opcode is fstp dword ptr (ecx+44)
Height opcode is fstp dword ptr eax+48
Angle opcode is fstp dword ptr edx+4C

So it faststorespointer in qword format from registry's

If you support my work on editing games and trying to make them better please donate! Cheers

понедељак, 3. октобар 2016.

Did some research on game camera and hope that soon i will have something to show
First version of gameplay tool

This year we have better game but it has some issues
This is my effort trying to make this game that we love a better one

Focus in first version is on balanced gameplay and removing famous catchup bug

Gameplay is for STEAM version of game and use it OFFLINE

To use it COPY tool to game folder / Run patcher / click Patch
On startup tool shows version of gameplay that is active [ KONAMI or nesa24 ]

12.12.24 - new immersion module in 1 day

 A new fresh module for PES21 Sider My kid joins modding Father and son module 12.12.24 Paypal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com