петак, 31. јул 2020.

PES21 Engine Editor - First Preview

I have got some mails from people asking about upcoming Editor so here are first images of EngineEditor

All images are taken from Gazprom Arena [ Day/Fine ]

Editor will allow you to edit [Bloom, Sun, Moon, Colors, Fog, Grain, Luminance, SAO, Blur, Cloud, Diffusion, Reflection, Shadow.. ]

On 22.09.2020 ( week after game release ) i will release an Engine Editor

PayPal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com

среда, 29. јул 2020.

PES2021 Engine Editor - Announcement

Time has come for Konami to leave Fox Engine and go to Unreal

While we wait for unreal future lets make something from what we have and make game more interesting while we wait

On 22.09.2020 ( week after game release ) i will release an Engine Editor


Also you could use PayPal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com

недеља, 26. јул 2020.


PES 21 will be ending game in KONAMI saga with KOJIMAS FOX ENGINE

Engine has aged and on its limits
Or hasnt it....



Also you could use PayPal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com

уторак, 21. јул 2020.

PlayPES.rs PES2020 CameraSwitcher for 1.8.1

PlayPES.rs PES2020 CameraSwitcher for 1.8.1

CameraSwitcher is new module that enables you to switch camera based on home team id

Place CameraSwitcher.lua and CameraSwitcher.txt in modules folder of sider and add it to sider ini
Set camera id in CameraSwitcher.txt


  • 0 MidRange
  • 1 Long
  • 2 Wide
  • 3 FieldSide
  • 4 Custom
  • 5 DynamicWide
  • 6 DynamicWideCustom
  • 7 LiveBroadCast
  • 8 fanView
  • 9 Vertical
  • 10 Player
  • 11 Blimp
  • 12 Stadium
  • 13 StadiumCustom

  • So its
    [ HomeTeam ID, CameraID]
    Example for Arsenal
    101, 2

    101 = ArsenalID    2 = WideCamera

    If anyone is interested he could edit
    local function teams_selected() to be stadium based and not team based

    Stay safe
    Donate to support

    PayPal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com

    петак, 3. јул 2020.

    How to support/donate?

    On requests i have opened patreon page


    Also you could use PayPal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com

    Stay safe

    12.12.24 - new immersion module in 1 day

     A new fresh module for PES21 Sider My kid joins modding Father and son module 12.12.24 Paypal: nesa24casa2@gmail.com